Today, March 31, marks the National Day of the Stroke Patient. Instituted since 2003, it aims to raise awareness among the general population of the problem that remains the leading cause of death and permanent disability in Portugal and one of the main ones in Europe, and to promote the improvement of professional health practices
Good stroke care depends on highly competent and specialised stroke professionals, says the Action Plan for Stroke in Europe 2018-2030He also underlined the importance of adequate rehabilitation, which "includes occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy, with the intervention of psychologists and social workers whenever necessary".
Physiotherapy is therefore, together with other health professions, crucial in helping stroke survivors to optimise functionality and regain autonomy.
Stroke in Portugal - reality and challenges
Invited by Portugal Stroke - Union of Survivors, Relatives and FriendsAntónio Lopes, President of the Portuguese Physiotherapists Order, was present at the session "Stroke in Portugal - Reality and challenges"This event took place on 29 March, in the António de Almeida Santos Auditorium, in the Portuguese Parliament, with the participation of the Parliamentary Health Commission.
The President of Portugal CVA - Union of Survivors, Family and Friends, António Conceição, and the President of the Portuguese Physiotherapists Order, António Lopes, had already met on 25th March, in Viseu, where the association has its headquarters. The regular and institutional contact with associative structures of and for patients is part of the Order's Activity Plan.