On the day 4th December 2024The ICAD 2024 videoconference took place, with the theme "Physiotherapy: mental health and addictions"for the presentation of the book "Physiotherapy in Mental Health - Experience Informs Evidence".
- Ana Isabel Vieira - Physiotherapist, PhD in Health Sciences with a speciality in Neurological Rehabilitation. Lecturer at the Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão.
- João Casaca - Physiotherapist, PhD in Neurosciences. Lecturer at the Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão and Coordinator of the first Postgraduate Programme in Physiotherapy in Mental Health.
- Maria Leonor Madureira - Physiotherapist with a Specialist Degree in Physiotherapy. She works at ICAD, I.P. - the Taipas Centre's Dehabituation Unit and is a guest lecturer at the Alcoitão Higher School of Health.
- Graça Vilar - Psychiatrist and Director of the Integrated Intervention Department at ICAD, I.P.
- António Lopes - President of the Order of Physiotherapists, Physiotherapist, Psychologist and Coordinating Professor at the Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão.
The videoconference discussed the impact of physiotherapy on mental health and the treatment of addictions. The recording of the videoconference can be viewed here [here], and the book "Physiotherapy in Mental Health - Experience Informs Evidence" is available. [here].
This story was updated on 16 December to include the recording of the videoconference and access to the book.