The Directorate-General for Health, through the Department of Quality in Health, published Standard 17/2022, of 19 December, on "Notification and Management of Patient Safety Incidents", under the terms of Article 2(2)(a) of Regulatory Decree No. 14/2012, of 26 January.
The Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas recommends a careful reading of the Norm, which can be consulted here This is a recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2002.
This standard aims to optimise the process of notification and management of patient safety incidents, and is framed by the National Plan for Patient Safety (PNSD) 2021-2026.
The NOTIFICA platform, provided by the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), is an integral part of the National Incident Notification System and can be accessed via the link: Registration is voluntary and may be carried out by the citizen or by the health professionalin an anonymous manner. The information contained in the notification will be used for the sole and exclusive purpose of management and analysis of patient safety incidents, through the principles of anonymization, confidentiality, non-punishment of the notifier or of the persons involved in the incident, aiming to promote learning from the error and the consequent implementation of improvement actions.