Elections shall be conducted ELECTRONICALLY (preferably) or in person.
By accessing the digital platform for electronic voting, between 00:00h and 20:00h - time of Continental Portugal (GMT).
On 13 November (Saturday), via e-mail votoeletronico@ordemdosfisioterapeutas.pt an e-mail will be sent to all the Physiotherapists listed in the Electoral Roll for the First Elections of the Order of Physiotherapists with a LINK and the ELECTOR ID.
The referred LINK (to access the platform) will also be available in the site of the Order of Physiotherapists.
After accessing the electronic voting platform, you should enter your ELECTOR ID: Citizen's Card number (CC) / Identity Card (BI) / International Identification Card number. This number should be the one registered in the Order of Physiotherapists;
In parallel, on this day 13 November (Saturday) will be sent to your mobile phone, via SMS, by Extreme Solutions the PIN / Voting Key. with these two elements will then be able to vote on November 15 between 00:00h and 20:00h, time of Continental Portugal (GMT).
If you have lost your PIN / Voting Key, in this window you can request a new one by clicking on "New PIN / Voting Key".
It will also be sent to your mobile phone by SMS. This action cancels the original PIN / Voting Key;
If you have any difficulties you can click on "Contacts" and ask the Helpdesk of the external company that provides the voting service for help.
You also have available the "Help" button where all the steps for voting are described;
By clicking on "Vote!" you enter the Voting area, which we will tell you about in a moment.
If you choose to vote in a PRESENTIAL manner, this will take place at the headquarters of the Order of Physiotherapists, from 07:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m. - time of Continental Portugal (GMT).
For voting in person and for those who do not have access to their PIN / Voting Key sent by SMS, sealed envelopes containing PIN / Voting Key will be available.
These envelopes shall be numbered on the outside and at the moment of delivery to a member who requests it - and after confirmation on the platform that this member has not yet voted - the voting platform shall associate this number on the outside of the envelope to the voting member, automatically eliminating the original voting key previously sent.
The Order of Physiotherapists hired a company to provide an Electronic Voting service - Extreme Solutions (https://www.extremesolutions.pt/ ).
On the site of the Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas (https://ordemdosfisioterapeutas.pt/eleicoes/ato-eleitoral/ ) , this and other issues relating to the elections on 15 November are explained.