Members interested in standing for the Supervisory Board may submit their candidacies between the following days 17th August 2024 e 16th September 2024. At the time of application, all physiotherapists who have not been in arrears for more than six months are eligible. To submit your application, access the application forms below and follow the instructions provided. Check the necessary requirements and prepare the required documentation
Application forms:
- Application for the Supervisory Board
- Declaration of Acceptance of Application
- Declaration for the appointment of Electoral Commission Representative and Proxy
- List of subscribers Collective
- Individual subscriber list
Procedures for receiving candidate lists:
- Receipt via e-mail: Receipt is via the address eleicoes@ordemdosfisioterapeutas.ptThe documentation is digitally signed by the Order's services and then sent to the representative of the list. In turn, the representative of the list declares/confirms that they have received a response from the Order's services.
- Hand deliveryWhen the list is received at the Order's premises at Rua D. João V, n° 24 - 1.06, 1250-091 Lisboa, all pages are stamped and initialled by the Order's services. All the original documentation is photocopied so that a copy can be given to the list representative, who declares/confirms that he/she has received the copy, using the form provided.
- Receipt by postApplications must be sent to Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas - Rua D. João V, n° 24 - 1.06, 1250-091 Lisboa, ensuring that they arrive by the deadline for submitting applications (16 September). The envelopes will be opened by the Order's services in the presence of 2 witnesses. The documentation received must also be stamped and initialled on all pages.