Welcome to the Supervisory Board elections 2024. This year we will have a crucial electoral process for our Order, with the election of the members of the Supervisory Board, which will take place on the day of the election. 15th November 2024. This page contains all the necessary information about the electoral process, including important deadlines, application procedures and applicable regulations. The submission of nominations begins on 17th August and ends the 16th September.
According to the latest revision of the Statutes of the Order of Physiotherapists (Law no. 71/2023, of 12 December), the new Supervisory Board Its main duties are to ensure the legality of the activities of the Order's bodies, exercising powers of control, particularly in terms of regulating the practice of physiotherapy. It is made up of five members with voting rights: two representatives of the profession registered with the Bar, two representatives of higher education establishments that qualify as physiotherapists and are not registered with the OrderThe President of the Council shall be elected by an absolute majority of the members mentioned above, and a person of recognised merit co-opted by the members mentioned above. The president of the Council is elected from among the members who are not members of the Order.