President of the Association of Physiotherapists and President of the Association of Pharmacists meet

Bastonário da Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas e Bastonário da Ordem dos Farmacêuticos reunidos

The President of the Portuguese Physiotherapists Order, António Lopes, and the President of the Pharmacists Order, Helder Mota Filipe, met last 14th July. The Secretary General of the Order of Pharmacists, Jorge Batista, was also present at the meeting.

The meeting had as objectives the presentation of greetings and to give continuity to the collaboration already established between the two Orders, having been underlined the will to continue the cooperation between the two institutions. 

On the part of the Order of Physiotherapists, the particular interest in knowing more deeply the system of accreditation of continuous professional development activities, in force in the Order of Pharmacists, was underlined and a more specific working meeting on this system was planned. The analysis of the experience of the Order of Pharmacists, as competent authority for professional recognition, and the work developed at European level are other topics of interest. 

In this meeting between the two Commissioners, other current issues related to the framework of the Professional Associations were also analysed.

Professional Licences for Physiotherapists

Cédulas Profissionais dos Fisioterapeutas

The professional cards of Physiotherapists have started to be sent by simple registered mail. This first batch should arrive, in the next few days, to the respective holders.
In his professional conduct, the physiotherapist should identify himself rigorously, as a member of the Order, namely through his professional name and professional cédula number.
For the President António Lopes, "the possession of the cédula, in card format, makes it easier to fulfil this duty of conduct, and is an important step in the reinforcement of the individual identity and collective image of Physiotherapists"..

Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas participates in the 7th edition of the Porto International Hip Meeting

Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas participa na 7.ª edição do Porto International Hip Meeting

The 7th edition of the Porto International Hip Meeting (PIHM2022) took place on 1 and 2 July. The President of the Portuguese Physiotherapists Order, António Lopes, participated in this two-day event of updating and discussion about hip pathology, namely in a session that valued the importance of the Physiotherapist in the rehabilitation process of patients with hip dysfunction and the team relationship with Orthopaedists: "being two distinct and complementary professions makes us naturally partners and we can develop our activity focused on what is essential, which is the provision of better care to our users", he said.

With the support of the international panel of Orthopedists from the General Organizing Committee of PIHM2022 , Jorge Cruz de Melo, Fernando Leal, Paulo Rego, Manuel Ribas, Ana Castel, Pedro Dantas, Lafayette Lage and Carlomango Cardenas, the session dedicated to Physiotherapy, which was held for the second time within the scope of this event, was attended by four organizing members - Álvaro Magalhães, Baltazar Moutela, Nelson Azevedo and Paulo Oliveira - and the Scientific Committee, with five members - Duarte Pereira, Fernando Ribeiro, Nuno Cordeiro, (1st Vice-President of the Board of the Order of Physiotherapists), Rui Gonçalves and Rui Torres.

In the referred session, which had five round tables under the themes 'Hip Surgery', 'Sports', 'Surgery as a last resource', 'The future of Physiotherapy and Orthopaedics', as well as the presentation of real cases: 'My hip story', the importance of the Physiotherapist in all phases of the intervention process of patients with hip dysfunctions was presented and discussed, namely in the evaluation and definition of treatment and intervention objectives; in the support to the patient in the decision process of procedures and treatment plan and in the preoperative and postoperative follow-up in inpatient or outpatient.

In his speech, the President of the Portuguese Physiotherapists' Association, António Lopes, also focused on the challenges of the profession and of the physiotherapists in meeting the needs of all the patients that use their services.

The President of the Portuguese Physiotherapists Order at the presentation of the book "A Compendium of Interventions for the Noninvasive Management of Ventilatory Pump Failure


The President of the Portuguese Physiotherapists Order, António Lopes, was present at the presentation and launch of the book "A Compendium of Interventions for the Noninvasive Management of Ventilatory Pump Failure", a compendium of non-invasive ventilatory strategies for severe respiratory patients, by Rutgers University (USA) professor, John Bach, considered a "living legend" of respiratory medicine, co-authored with Professor Miguel Gonçalves, from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP). Part of the work, of about 700 pages distributed by 38 chapters, is dedicated to Respiratory Physiotherapy, area of expertise of Miguel Gonçalves, who is also a member of the General Council of the Order of Physiotherapists. The launching ceremony took place on July 1st, at the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, and was attended by several physiotherapists.

Meeting of the Portuguese Physioterapists Order with SOCIFIN Portugal

Encontro da Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas com a SOCIFIN Portugal
The Portuguese Physioterapists Order met on the 24th June with SOCIFIN Portugal, the Portuguese delegation of the Scientific Society for Invasive Physiotherapy. 
SOCIFIN Portugal presented its vision on invasive procedures in musculoskeletal context and the future challenges related to the analysis of its evidence and effectiveness within the physiotherapy process. The Order reiterated its willingness to work with all scientific societies that promote the development of physiotherapy.
Representing the Order were the President, Vice-President and members, António Lopes, Nuno Cordeiro, Pedro Rebelo and Afonso Neutel, respectively. SOCIFIN Portugal was represented by its President José Pedro Leite and vice-president Rita Moreira. 

Pedro Maciel Barbosa

Specialist physiotherapist at the Matosinhos Local Health Unit Sub-coordinator for Primary Health Care, Matosinhos Local Health Unit Visiting Assistant Professor at the Porto School of Health Member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Health - SNS Member of the General Council of the Order of Physiotherapists

Carlos Sand

Carlos Areia has been a physiotherapist since 2013, and has worked in various hospitals, clinics and clubs in both Portugal and the UK. He began his academic career at Oxford University in 2016, where he led a clinical trial comparing physiotherapy vs surgery in anterior cruciate injuries in 32 hospitals in England. In 2018 she moved to the neurosciences department, where she developed her own studies on remote monitoring of vital signs, which were implemented during the pandemic. Here he discovered his passion for data, and in 2022, he joined Digital Science as a Data Scientist. He completed his PhD earlier this year, and has more than 60 publications in journals such as The Lancet, BMJ, Cochrane, among others. He is also an honorary lecturer at Oxford Brookes University and a consultant in clinical research.

Eduardo José Brazete Carvalho Cruz

PhD in Physiotherapy from the University of Brighton, UK. Post-Doctorate in Epidemiology from the National School of Public Health at the New University of Lisbon.
Coordinator of the Studies and Planning Office of the Order of Physiotherapists. Coordinating Professor of the Physiotherapy Department of the School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (ESS-IPS). President of the ESS-IPS Technical-Scientific Council. Coordinator of the Physiotherapy Department at ESS-IPS. Integrated Researcher at the Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC) (a partnership between FCM-UNL, the National School of Public Health, the University of Évora, the Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health and Santo Espírito Hospital, Terceira Island, Azores).

Sara Souto Miranda

Sara Souto Miranda has a bachelor's and master's degree in physiotherapy from the University of Aveiro, and a postgraduate qualification in adult respiratory physiotherapy from the same institution. In 2023 she completed her double doctorate in Rehabilitation Sciences/Health, Medicine and Life Sciences at the Universities of Aveiro and Maastricht (Netherlands) and is currently working as a technical-scientific advisor to the Studies and Planning Office (GEP) of the Order of Physiotherapists, and as a guest lecturer at the Piaget Institute in Vila Nova de Gaia. As a member of the Respiratory Research and Rehabilitation Laboratory at the University of Aveiro (Lab3R), she has carried out applied research in which she has assessed and treated patients with respiratory pathology, having taken part in 6 research projects. Throughout her career she has published 19 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals with an impact factor, 1 book chapter and more than 50 abstracts in conference proceedings. She was a research volunteer at the Ciro rehabilitation centre (Centre for expertise in chronic organ failure) in the Netherlands, and is currently a member of the Guideline Methodology Network of European Respiratory Society. She was honoured by European Lung Foundation e European Respiratory Society for carrying out patient-centred research, by the Directorate General for Higher Education with a merit grant for his master's degree, and by the Ciro Centre with a grant to support research abroad.

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