The President of the Portuguese Physiotherapists Order, António Lopes, and the President of the Pharmacists Order, Helder Mota Filipe, met last 14th July. The Secretary General of the Order of Pharmacists, Jorge Batista, was also present at the meeting.
The meeting had as objectives the presentation of greetings and to give continuity to the collaboration already established between the two Orders, having been underlined the will to continue the cooperation between the two institutions.
On the part of the Order of Physiotherapists, the particular interest in knowing more deeply the system of accreditation of continuous professional development activities, in force in the Order of Pharmacists, was underlined and a more specific working meeting on this system was planned. The analysis of the experience of the Order of Pharmacists, as competent authority for professional recognition, and the work developed at European level are other topics of interest.
In this meeting between the two Commissioners, other current issues related to the framework of the Professional Associations were also analysed.