Physiotherapists are part of the group eligible for seasonal vaccination against COVID-19 in autumn-winter 2024-2025.
According to Standard no. 08/2024, of 05/09/2024, updated on 06/09/2024, of the Directorate-General for Health, in the groups eligible for seasonal booster vaccination against COVID-19 in autumn/winter 2024-2025, are covered "Professionals and users/residents in Residential Structures for the Elderly (ERPI) and similar institutions; National Integrated Continued Care Network (RNCCI) and prisons; People aged ≥60 years; People aged 5-59 years with risk pathologies (Table 4 and Table 5 - Annex I); People aged 6 months-4 years with severe and moderate immunosuppression conditions (Table 6 - Annex I); Pregnant women; Professionals in health services (public and private) and other health care providers, students in clinical training, firefighters involved in patient transport, carers of dependent people and pharmaceutical distribution professionals.
Vaccination should be organised at local level, with the Local Health Units (ULS), through the contacts listed on the portal Primary Health Care Identity Card (BI-CSP).
The Order recalls that, as health professionals, physiotherapists must be accompanied by a valid professional card or a statement from their employer proving their professional activity.
More information at: Seasonal Flu and Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign for Autumn/Winter 2024/2025