Application Form to join the Order

Formulário de Inscrição na Ordem

Regarding the length and detail required in the process of registration with the Order, the Installation Commission of the Order of Physiotherapists clarifies that the composition of the registration form was designed with the help of experts and tested with a sample of colleagues.

On one hand, to guarantee the safety of the users and, on the other hand, from an organisational point of view, to be able to understand, in some detail, who they are, what their educational profile is and in which work contexts they work.

Reinforcing that the Order also has a role to play in "providing services to its members, regarding the professional exercise, namely in relation to information, professional training and technical and legal assistance", the understanding of the profile of its members is essential so that the future elected bodies can equate the type of services to be developed, either in the direct defence of each one, or in terms of the assistential practice itself in public health.

The IC could have opted for a more simplified registration model, in order to deepen the knowledge about its members later on. This is the opportunity and this initial effort to collect an essential set of information to characterize the Portuguese physiotherapists, which is fundamental to assume individual and collective responsibility of physiotherapists in their daily practice.

We are aware that with the future publication of the profile of the members of the Order, the colleagues will feel rewarded for their efforts in filling out the form.

ENIPD 2021-2025

ENIPD 2021-2025

The inclusion of people with disabilities is a strategic goal for the enhancement of all citizens. Only a society that includes all people can realise its true potential (...)" in Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 119/2021, of 22 July 2021, published in the DRE, of 31 August.

Based on the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 119/2021 of 22 July 2021, published in the DRE of 31 August, the Installation Commission of the Order of Physiotherapists, understanding that physiotherapists are intervening agents in the Monitoring Commission of the National Strategy for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities 2021-2025, endorsed a missive to the Minister of Health, Drª Marta Temido, calling for the rectification of the failure to attend the respective Monitoring Committee.

The Installation Commission of the Order of Physiotherapists meets with representatives of Higher Education Institutions

As Reuniões com os Representantes das Instituições do Ensino Superior

The Commission Instaladora (CI) of the Order met with the Direction of the CCISP - Coordinating Council of Higher Polytechnic Institutes and the APESP - Associação Portuguesa do Ensino Superior Privado, representative structures of the Portuguese Higher Education Institutions (IES) of the public sector and of the private and cooperative sector, respectively. The meetings with CCISP took place on 30th May and 30th July and the meeting with APESP was held on 30th June.

In addition to the presentation of greetings, matters of mutual interest were addressed in both meetings:

1 - Collaboration in order to facilitate the procedures for enrolling new graduates in the Order;
2 - The promotion of the quality of Physiotherapy teaching, at degree level, with the Order's IC presenting the benchmark of convergence with international standards;
3 - The perspectives of development of specialties within the profession and the combination of offers in terms of post-graduate training and obtaining higher academic degrees.

All meetings concluded that there was a need for strategic and complementary cooperation, while recognising the different nature of the organisations involved.
Complementing this approach at the level of organisations representing the teaching sector, the IC has maintained a direct formal dialogue with the Directors of Higher Education Institutions with initial training in physiotherapy and with the Directors/Coordinators of the respective courses, which has proven to be fruitful.

In contact with the HEIs, the IC of the Order has emphasized the respect for the autonomy of the respective pedagogical and scientific bodies, and valued the role of the HEIs in terms of professional development. In this context, it should be noted that the convergence benchmark for the initial training of physiotherapists adopted by the IC of the Order is based on a proposal from a wide range of teachers.

The Order's IC has also been developing contacts with the A3ES - Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education, awaiting the scheduling of a meeting to present greetings to the new Board of Directors of that entity.

Note - Picture of the OF / APESP meeting: António Almeida Dias, José João Mendes, José Manuel Silva and Miguel Copetto and, from the Installing Committee side, Isabel Souza Guerra, António Lopes and Nuno Cordeiro

Candidatures for Statutory Bodies of the Portuguese Physiotherapists Order

Candidaturas aos Órgãos Estatutários da Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas

All physiotherapists who have their registration in the Order regularized until 7 October 2021. If you have recently submitted your application for registration, please respond promptly to any requests for corrections or payment. Don't be late!

Applications must be submitted by 19 October of 2021.

The elections will take place on 15 November 2021, by electronic vote or in person at the headquarters of the Order.

Consult all the information on the Order's website - access directly by clicking here.

Participate in the First Elections of the Portuguese Physiotherapists Order.

8 September - World Day of Physiotherapy

8 de setembro - Dia Mundial da Fisioterapia

The World Day of Physiotherapy was celebrated on 8 September.

Instituted by World Physiotherapy, since 1996, we celebrate this day and reinforce the significant role the profession plays in the health and well-being of the population.
We mark this date by giving it maximum visibility and importance in order to raise the profile and value of the profession in maintaining and/or improving mobility and functional independence.

This year's focus of World Physiotherapy Day is "Long COVID and Rehabilitation" and the role of physiotherapists in the treatment and management of people affected by this condition.
The promotion of this day reinforces the commitment of all in the promotion of Physiotherapy for the Portuguese Community. 

Congratulations to all the Physiotherapists who participated in this celebration!

Pedro Maciel Barbosa

Specialist physiotherapist at the Matosinhos Local Health Unit Sub-coordinator for Primary Health Care, Matosinhos Local Health Unit Visiting Assistant Professor at the Porto School of Health Member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Health - SNS Member of the General Council of the Order of Physiotherapists

Carlos Sand

Carlos Areia has been a physiotherapist since 2013, and has worked in various hospitals, clinics and clubs in both Portugal and the UK. He began his academic career at Oxford University in 2016, where he led a clinical trial comparing physiotherapy vs surgery in anterior cruciate injuries in 32 hospitals in England. In 2018 she moved to the neurosciences department, where she developed her own studies on remote monitoring of vital signs, which were implemented during the pandemic. Here he discovered his passion for data, and in 2022, he joined Digital Science as a Data Scientist. He completed his PhD earlier this year, and has more than 60 publications in journals such as The Lancet, BMJ, Cochrane, among others. He is also an honorary lecturer at Oxford Brookes University and a consultant in clinical research.

Eduardo José Brazete Carvalho Cruz

PhD in Physiotherapy from the University of Brighton, UK. Post-Doctorate in Epidemiology from the National School of Public Health at the New University of Lisbon.
Coordinator of the Studies and Planning Office of the Order of Physiotherapists. Coordinating Professor of the Physiotherapy Department of the School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (ESS-IPS). President of the ESS-IPS Technical-Scientific Council. Coordinator of the Physiotherapy Department at ESS-IPS. Integrated Researcher at the Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC) (a partnership between FCM-UNL, the National School of Public Health, the University of Évora, the Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health and Santo Espírito Hospital, Terceira Island, Azores).

Sara Souto Miranda

Sara Souto Miranda has a bachelor's and master's degree in physiotherapy from the University of Aveiro, and a postgraduate qualification in adult respiratory physiotherapy from the same institution. In 2023 she completed her double doctorate in Rehabilitation Sciences/Health, Medicine and Life Sciences at the Universities of Aveiro and Maastricht (Netherlands) and is currently working as a technical-scientific advisor to the Studies and Planning Office (GEP) of the Order of Physiotherapists, and as a guest lecturer at the Piaget Institute in Vila Nova de Gaia. As a member of the Respiratory Research and Rehabilitation Laboratory at the University of Aveiro (Lab3R), she has carried out applied research in which she has assessed and treated patients with respiratory pathology, having taken part in 6 research projects. Throughout her career she has published 19 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals with an impact factor, 1 book chapter and more than 50 abstracts in conference proceedings. She was a research volunteer at the Ciro rehabilitation centre (Centre for expertise in chronic organ failure) in the Netherlands, and is currently a member of the Guideline Methodology Network of European Respiratory Society. She was honoured by European Lung Foundation e European Respiratory Society for carrying out patient-centred research, by the Directorate General for Higher Education with a merit grant for his master's degree, and by the Ciro Centre with a grant to support research abroad.

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