The Order of Physiotherapists, represented by the President, António Lopes, accompanied by the administrator, Ana Paula Oliveira, and by the legal consultant, Luís Camejo, was received by the General Inspection of Health Activities (IGAS), in a meeting that took place on 21 December 2022.
At the working meeting the activities developed by the Order of Physiotherapists were presented and the intervention of the General Inspection of Health Activities (IGAS) was shared within the scope of the audits on the enhancement of people in the National Health Service, which have been carried out, since 2021, in several hospital establishments.
It was agreed that IGAS would collaborate with the Order of Physiotherapists, namely through an awareness-raising session with employers that develop activities in health, health professionals and citizens, to make known the legal requirements for the exercise of the profession of physiotherapist, with a view to patient safety.