Since the beginning of the vaccination campaign, the Commission Instaladora da Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas (CI-OF) has been raising awareness of the right of physiotherapists to be vaccinated in the 1st phase of the vaccination plan, as health professionals who are at high risk of contracting the disease and spreading it, regardless of the context/sector in which they work.
The CI-OF has been urging Physiotherapists to register on the official platform and has appealed to those responsible for the establishments to promote, directly and/or indirectly, registration in the respective vaccination programme. However, we know that the vaccination of physiotherapists who develop their activity in a private context has been slow.
In this regard, the Commission for the Installation of the Order of Physiotherapists, without prejudice to the fact that it does not yet hold the file on physiotherapists working in Portugal, given that it still belongs to the ACSS, has requested the Task-Force to use its best endeavours to ensure that the vaccination plan for all physiotherapists during the first vaccination phase is carried out.
Finally, the CI OF shows its availability to be a facilitating element in the whole vaccination process of the Portuguese physiotherapists, although it has not been contacted for this purpose up to now.