This Wednesday, 17 May, marks World Hypertension Day, a date that aims to disseminate the importance of prevention, detection and treatment of hypertension.
A European Society of Hypertension reveals that there are one billion people in the world with hypertension. At Portugalhypertension is diagnosed in 33 out of every 100 women Portuguese and in 40 out of every 100 men Portuguese.
Studies show that sedentary lifestyles aggravate this cardiovascular risk factor, and that regular physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle change may even postpone the need for pharmacological therapy.
The Physiotherapist is a qualified health professional that you can count on for blood pressure monitoring, counselling for autonomous practice of physical activity and prescription of individualised exercise training, with the aim of gaining quality of life and improving your state of health.
The Order of Physiotherapists stresses that Physiotherapy at the service of the citizen is another ally in the fight against hypertension.