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Frequent Errors when filling in the Application Form

Help us improve the efficiency of the enrolment process. We have observed a number of difficulties and frequent errors/mistakes, which make it necessary to return applications and delay the whole enrolment process.

Avoid having your application returned.

Main difficulties and frequent mistakes/mistakes that you can easily avoid:

1. choose the option of filling out the form

The form is designed in a way that is adapted to each of the most common situations on the formative journey:

  • Physiotherapist graduated in Portugal with a Bachelor degree (before 1993);
  • Physiotherapist graduated in Portugal with a Biotherapic degree (1993-2008);
  • Physiotherapist graduated in Portugal with a degree (after 2008);
  • Physiotherapist trained in an EU/EFTA country;
  • Physiotherapist trained in a country outside the EU/EFTA.

The initial choice of the wrong option naturally leads the form to open options that are not fully adapted, generating difficulties and filling errors.

For example, those who have a bachelor's degree and choose the option "Licenciatura ( after 2008 )", will have their form returned for correction, due to lack of data.

If you are unsure which form to follow please refer to the Step-by-Step Application Guides to confirm your route to completing the form, and the documents you will need to submit:

2. Non-use of the signature form provided, and of a pen of the correct colour

The signature form provided for that purpose on the website of the Order should be used and a black ink pen should be used.

This will be the signature to use on your ballot (card), so size, ink colour and contrast are essential.

3. Non-placement of the ACSS cédula number, in the case of those who have this document

This element is critical to the application analysis process, and in particular to avoid the need to confirm the authenticity of academic qualifications submitted in PDF.

Don't forget to put the ballot number.

If you can't remember the number, check the ACSS database, by clicking here.

4. Course completion date incorrect

4.1. should record the date of completion of the course, not the date of issue of the diploma

The date of completion of the course is normally indicated in the body of the diploma/certificate, not at the end.

The date of completion of the course, in particular the course that gave you access to professional practice, which appears on your diploma or qualification certificate, is relevant for the overall calculation of your length of professional practice (seniority).

It should not be confused with the date of issue of the diploma or certificate itself, which is normally issued at a later date. In the case of a duplicate Diploma, this difference will naturally be even more marked.

4.2 - The date you should put on the form is the date of conclusion of the initial course, which gave you access to the exercise of the profession

The date of completion of the course, in particular the course that gave you access to professional practice, which appears on your diploma or qualification certificate, is relevant for the overall calculation of your length of professional practice (seniority).

In the case of colleagues with older training, previous Bologna degree, there have been some doubts and mistakes in filling in the form, which are easy to avoid.

4.2.1 - If your initial course did not confer an academic degree, but you subsequently obtained an equivalence to the degree of Bachelor, the date you should put on the form is the date of completion of the initial course.

Example: For a course from 1985, which was the subject of a formal equivalence in 1999, the date on the form should be 1985.

You must, however, submit both documents: the one of the initial training and the one of the formal recognition of the academic degree. As there is only one field in the form for submitting these two documents, you should make a joint copy, in a single PDF.

4.2.2 - The same applies if you have completed a Biopic degree.

Taking into account that the first cycle of the Biotherapeutic Licentiate Degree, which corresponds to the Bachelor Degree in Physiotherapy was, at the time, the sufficient qualification for the exercise of the profession of Physiotherapist, and registration for obtaining the respective professional card, this will be the reference qualification for statistical purposes.

On that basis, the date of completion of the Bachelor's degree will be the one we will use to count your professional seniority.

If you have not requested this certificate of completion of the Baccalaureate, you must submit a declaration of honour, with the respective date of completion.

To facilitate your declaration you can use the template available here.

5. Lack of document proving professional domicile

Any of the following up to date documents may be accepted for inclusion:

  • Salary receipt with professional address (you can hide the amounts);
  • Declaration of the employer's professional address;
  • Declaration of the opening of the activity in the Finances Department;
  • Green Receipt with address;
  • Declaration of the IEFP in the applicable cases.

6. Difficulty in defining the length and detail of the CV to be submitted

The CV should document 'relevant professional experience'.

The level of detail of the description of this professional experience will, at this stage, be at the applicant's discretion and under his/her honour.

It is also informed that this field will be available for updating, at any time, and by their free initiative, in their personal area, accessible through the site of the Order of Physiotherapists.

You can also insert the link to your CV, but in that case, make sure it is accessible that way, without the need for passwords.

Pedro Maciel Barbosa

Specialist physiotherapist at the Matosinhos Local Health Unit Sub-coordinator for Primary Health Care, Matosinhos Local Health Unit Visiting Assistant Professor at the Porto School of Health Member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Health - SNS Member of the General Council of the Order of Physiotherapists

Carlos Sand

Carlos Areia has been a physiotherapist since 2013, and has worked in various hospitals, clinics and clubs in both Portugal and the UK. He began his academic career at Oxford University in 2016, where he led a clinical trial comparing physiotherapy vs surgery in anterior cruciate injuries in 32 hospitals in England. In 2018 she moved to the neurosciences department, where she developed her own studies on remote monitoring of vital signs, which were implemented during the pandemic. Here he discovered his passion for data, and in 2022, he joined Digital Science as a Data Scientist. He completed his PhD earlier this year, and has more than 60 publications in journals such as The Lancet, BMJ, Cochrane, among others. He is also an honorary lecturer at Oxford Brookes University and a consultant in clinical research.

Eduardo José Brazete Carvalho Cruz

PhD in Physiotherapy from the University of Brighton, UK. Post-Doctorate in Epidemiology from the National School of Public Health at the New University of Lisbon.
Coordinator of the Studies and Planning Office of the Order of Physiotherapists. Coordinating Professor of the Physiotherapy Department of the School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (ESS-IPS). President of the ESS-IPS Technical-Scientific Council. Coordinator of the Physiotherapy Department at ESS-IPS. Integrated Researcher at the Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC) (a partnership between FCM-UNL, the National School of Public Health, the University of Évora, the Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health and Santo Espírito Hospital, Terceira Island, Azores).

Sara Souto Miranda

Sara Souto Miranda has a bachelor's and master's degree in physiotherapy from the University of Aveiro, and a postgraduate qualification in adult respiratory physiotherapy from the same institution. In 2023 she completed her double doctorate in Rehabilitation Sciences/Health, Medicine and Life Sciences at the Universities of Aveiro and Maastricht (Netherlands) and is currently working as a technical-scientific advisor to the Studies and Planning Office (GEP) of the Order of Physiotherapists, and as a guest lecturer at the Piaget Institute in Vila Nova de Gaia. As a member of the Respiratory Research and Rehabilitation Laboratory at the University of Aveiro (Lab3R), she has carried out applied research in which she has assessed and treated patients with respiratory pathology, having taken part in 6 research projects. Throughout her career she has published 19 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals with an impact factor, 1 book chapter and more than 50 abstracts in conference proceedings. She was a research volunteer at the Ciro rehabilitation centre (Centre for expertise in chronic organ failure) in the Netherlands, and is currently a member of the Guideline Methodology Network of European Respiratory Society. She was honoured by European Lung Foundation e European Respiratory Society for carrying out patient-centred research, by the Directorate General for Higher Education with a merit grant for his master's degree, and by the Ciro Centre with a grant to support research abroad.

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