General Council

Physiotherapist since 1987, with clinical experience in public and private institutions, Master in Sociopsychology of Health and PhD in Health Technologies. Currently Professor Coordinator of the Physiotherapy area in Escola Superior de Saúde of Universidade de Aveiro, with interest in the disciplinary area of Neurological Physiotherapy and in clinical research at the level of Functionality and human movement

Rui Dias Costa

Chairman of the Bureau

Cédula n.º: 11

Degree in Physiotherapy from the Escola Superior de Saúde da Universidade de Aveiro, postgraduate degree in Hygiene, Safety and Health at Work from the Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Master in Management and Economics of Health Services from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto and currently doing her PhD at the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar. Clinical practice at the Santo António University Hospital Centre in the area of neonatology and paediatrics and guest assistant at the School of Health of the University of Aveiro.

Andreia Rocha

Secretary of the Bureau

Cédula n.º: 1353

Physiotherapist since 1995 and working in Primary Health Care since 2004. Previous professional experience in hospital context, IPSS and private clinic. Collaboration with Ministerial work groups, with the ARS LVT, North and Centre and professional associations. Experience in Coordination of Functional Unit (URAP) and as Member of the Clinical and Health Council (CCS). Clinical internship supervisor since 2000 and certified trainer (CCP). Post graduate course in neurodevelopment. Master's student in Health Management at the National School of Public Health (ENSP).

Ana Casaca

Secretary of the Bureau

Cédula n.º: 1107

Physiotherapist since 2001 (ESTS Porto). PhD student in Physiotherapy at the Sport Faculty of the University of Porto. He is a teacher at Escola Superior de Saúde Fernando Pessoa. He has worked as a physiotherapist in hospital context, in MFR clinic and in Physiotherapy unit. He works as a physiotherapist in the pedagogical clinic of ESS-FP, which he coordinates, in articulation with the teaching activities. Member of the editorial board of international scientific journals, with publications in indexed international journals.

Adérito Seixas


Cédula n.º: 1054

Degree in Physiotherapy from the Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias of the Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco in 2019 Post-graduate student in Neurophysiotherapy from the Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão Clinical practice in Units of the National Network for Integrated Continued Care and Residential Structure for Elderly People Member of the Board of Directors of the Interest Group Young Movement in Physiotherapy of the Portuguese Association of Physiotherapists from 2017 to 2020

Ana Filipa Ferreira Almeida


Cédula n.º: 1713

Physiotherapist since 1991, by ESTSP. Master in Physiotherapy, Orthopaedic Manual Therapy since 2016, by ESSP. Post-Graduation in Health Auditing in 2022, in Instituto Piaget. He works in Primary Health Care since 1995, in the Health Centre of Barão do Corvo, later ACeS Gaia. Founder of UCC Âncora, third place winner of the 2012 Hospital of the Future Award, worked in the Regional Monitoring Team (ERA) of ARS Norte and is responsible for the Monitoring and Audit Centre of ACeS Gaia

Américo Sousa


Cédula n.º: 2849

Physiotherapist since 1998, with clinical experience since then in hospital, private practice and at home. Masters in Physiotherapy and Public Health. Specialist title in Physiotherapy*. Experience in different work groups at hospital level, including public tenders, training, quality management and implementation of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Currently working at the Centro Hospitalar Universitário Do Algarve, Faro Unit and in private practice. Particular interest in the areas of teaching and education, pain, aging, functionality, movement and temporomandibular dysfunction.

Ana Tomé


Cédula n.º: 1294

Degree in Physiotherapy by the ESSCVP in 2011 Master in Public Health by the National School of Public Health in 2020 Lecturer and Trainer in the area of Musculoskeletal

Bernardo Pinto


Cédula n.º: 3744

Physiotherapist since 2006 with a Masters in Physiotherapy, Musculoskeletal specialization area. With clinical experience in inpatient unit of Integrated Continuing Care and currently with private practice in home context in the municipality of Odemira, predominantly in the musculoskeletal area with adult and elderly population.

Ana Semedo


Cédula n.º: 431

- Bachelor, Licentiate and Postgraduate degree in Physiotherapy. - Currently a student of the Doctoral Program in Rehabilitation Sciences at the Univ. of Aveiro - Guest Assistant Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria from 2018 to 2020 - Speaker, lecturer and guest lecturer at several higher education institutions. - Founder, Managing Director and Clinical Director of the CMM Group - Medical Centres and Rehabilitation

Gabriel Martins da Costa


Cédula n.º: 3816

Physiotherapist since 1987, Master in Socio-Organizational Intervention in Health and
Specialist in
Physiotherapy - degree awarded by the Polytechnic Institutes of Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra, with experience
Clinical practice in private organizations, mainly in the area of Pediatric FT and also teaching. Currently, she is a physiotherapist in the Early Intervention of CERCI Lisboa, which is part of the ELI Lisboa Oriental of the National System of Early Intervention in Childhood, part-time adjunct professor at ESTeSL and President of the Board of the Interest Group of Physiotherapy in Pediatrics of APFisio.

Ana Rita Carujo Saramago


Cédula n.º: 1066

Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy (ESSA); Equivalent to Licenciado (ESTES Coimbra); Master's Degree in Educational Psychology (ISPA); Doctorate in Physiotherapy, (University of Brighton, UK); Post-Doctorate in the specialty of Epidemiology (Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública da Universidade Nova de Lisboa). Coordinating Professor (ESS-IPS). President of the Scientific-Technical Council of ESS-IPS. Integrated Researcher at the Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC). Researcher responsible for the projects: SPLIT; SARA and MyBack.

Eduardo Brazete Cruz


Cédula n.º: 2191

Physiotherapist since 2001, he has a Masters, a PhD and a post-doctoral degree, the last two with a grant from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. In 2021 he took the Aggregation exams in Physiotherapy. He is a professor at the Escola Superior de Saúde of the University of Aveiro and a researcher at the Biomedicine Institute, acting as director of the Physiotherapy degree and vice-director of the PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences.

Fernando Ribeiro


Cédula n.º: 2560

Physiotherapist since 2016 (ESTeSCoimbra), with experience in private clinical practice in the areas of women's health and pelvic floor.

Carla Sá Faria


Cédula n.º: 2785

- Degree in Physiotherapy from Escola Superior de Saúde do Vale do Sousa.

- Certified in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy by Curtin University of Technology (Australia).

- MSc in Physiotherapy from the University of Brighton (UK).

- Director and Physiotherapist in the clinic FisioNeto - Terapia Manual Ortopédica & Pilates Clínico, where he practices clinically.

- CEO and Pedagogical Director of Formaterapia.

- National and international lecturer/trainer of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, particularly in the area of Manual Therapy and Mulligan Concept.

Francisco Neto


Cédula n.º: 3210

Degree in Physiotherapy from Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias (IPCB) in 2012

Master in Physiotherapy Musculoskeletal Conditions by Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da UNL & Escola Superior de Saúde de Setúbal in 2016 Private Practice in Musculoskeletal since 2012 Training in Clinical Pilates.

Carolina Caldeira


Cédula n.º: 424

He has a degree in Physiotherapy from Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Saúde de Lisboa, a post-graduate degree in Information Management and Business Intelligence in Health from NOVA IMS and a Master in Business Management from ISCTE Business School.
Currently, Physiotherapist and Project Manager at António Gaspar - Physio Therapy & Performance intervening in musculoskeletal conditions and being responsible for the management and coordination of the clinic and projects around it such as training, occupational health and community projects.
Member of the European Health Parliament on the Prevention and Self-Care Committee.

João Valeriano


Cédula n.º: 129

Degree (bi-technical) since the year 2000 from the Higher School of Health Technologies of Coimbra. Post-Graduation Course on Neurodevelopment Treatment (BOBATH), Frequency in Master in Biokinetics of Development. Since 2000 I work at Centro de Paralisia Cerebral de Beja. From 2015 until 2022 - Coordination of the technical team of social response - Outpatient.

Cláudia Secretário Costa


Cédula n.º: 4100

Hospital Clinical Experience since 1985 initially at the District Hospital of Montijo, now Centro Hospitalar Barreiro Montijo
Currently a Principal Specialist Physiotherapist and Coordinator of the Physiotherapy Unit of Montijo
Rival practice and management experience with the technical direction of the Clínica Saúde e Desporto; Lda since 1998
MBA in Health Care Unit Management at the University of Beira Interior
Main interests in Musculoskeletal, Sports Medicine and Hospital Practice

José Pedro Marques


Cédula n.º: 1766

Physiotherapist since 1983, with clinical experience in private institutions, degree in Social and Organizational Psychology, and experience in Quality in Health. Currently she is a member of the Quality Management Office, member of the Quality and Patient Safety Commission and of the Risk Management Commission in the Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa. Her areas of interest are in Quality in Health, skills training and Patient Safety.

Elsa Silva


Cédula n.º: 3515

has a degree in Physiotherapy since 2000 from the Escola Superior de Tecnologias da Saúde de Coimbra;
Master in Physiotherapy Sciences by the Faculdade de Motricidade Humana since 2005;
In office at Centro de Saúde da Calheta - Unidade de Saúde de Ilha de São Jorge (Azores) since 2007.

Luciana Libânio da Silva


Cédula n.º: 3477

Physiotherapist, PhD in Physiotherapy at Kings College London, University of London, in 2002. She is Coordinating Professor at the School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, where she is currently Deputy Director. Her area of expertise is successful ageing, the promotion of independence and the respective integrity of movement and function. Pedagogically, she focuses on the development of internationalisation as a privileged strategy for the development of competencies in health professionals.

Madalena Gomes da Silva


Cédula n.º: 9

Physiotherapist graduated from the Escola de Reabilitação do Alcoitão (1982/1985), with diversified training over the years, of which the "Physiologic/Muscular Chain Course" stands out
taught by Leopold Busquet, of which he became the representative in Portugal between 1996 and 2010 with extensive professional experience.
Founder of several physiotherapy clinics, his latest project being the "NovaPhysio" clinic (Sept.2004/to date).
Director of the Journal of Sport Physical Therapy and Sub-Director of the Journal of Sport Medicine.

Nuno Arnaut Pombeiro


Cédula n.º: 3724

Physiotherapist working at the Centro Hospitalar Tâmega e Sousa since 1986, Physiotherapist Coordinator (TSDT Principal Specialist), Master in Management Organizations - Branch Health Units Post graduate in Management and Health Administration. Various post basic training in the area of Women's Health, Neurology Adults and in the area of pediatrics.
Professor of the Physiotherapy course in Neurology at the IPSN- Cespu, holder of the specialist degree in Rehabilitation.

Manuela Martinho


Cédula n.º: 4014

- Physiotherapy course completed at ESSA in 1980/83
- Technical Director of Fisio Roma Clinic
- Consultant in the area of physiotherapy at the Allianz insurance company

Olímpio Manuel Gouveia Pereira


Cédula n.º: 3

Physiotherapist, PhD in Physiotherapy with a post-doctoral degree in Motor Behaviour. Coordinating Professor of EssLei - IP Leiria. Researcher of CEMMPRE- ARISE. Author of various scientific publications and communications. Member of scientific committees, juries and reviewer in national and international journals. Founder of the Portuguese Physioterapists Union. Clinical practice in sports and health promotion. ORCID iD0000-0002-1500-355X CiênciaVitae ID3914-A4F3-5395.

Maria António Castro


Cédula n.º: 410

Physiotherapist since 1985. Hospital practice for 12 years, predominantly in the respiratory area. Full time teacher for 10 years (ESSA). Currently practicing in private practice (home and private unit) and part-time teacher at ESS-IPPorto. National trainer in the area of Respiratory Physiotherapy since 1997 and guest lecturer at various Physiotherapy schools in undergraduate and post-graduate teaching. He was President of the Interest Group in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy of APFisio (1999-2014).

Paulo Abreu


Cédula n.º: 1292

Physiotherapist Specialist at Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos, SNS.
Adjunct Professor at Escola Superior de Saúde do Porto, IPP.
Member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Health - SNS.
Ministerial Consultant in different operational and strategic working groups at the level of physiotherapy care in Primary Health Care.
PhD student in Public Health, ISPUP, University of Porto

Pedro Maciel Barbosa


Cédula n.º: 1010

Degree in physiotherapy from ESTESP in 2001, and working at ULSNE. Master in Health Services Management by UTAD in 2010 and PhD in Management by UTAD in 2015.
3. Researcher at Cetrad of the University of Trás os Montes e Alto Douro since 2015, and visiting assistant professor at UTAD (course in the area of management and economics) since 2016 until 2019.
4. Specialist title in physiotherapy by UA in 2021.
5. Invited adjunct professor/ coordinator of the Physiotherapy degree in IPB - ESSA since 2022, having started teaching in the area of health management in IPB - ESSA in 2018.
6. Executive Manager of two health companies since 2001
7. Post-graduate in Executive Women's Leadership at Nova SBE Executive Education

Marisa Filipa Dos Santos Lages


Cédula n.º: 2966

Physiotherapist since 1982, with clinical practice in public institutions (Hospitals) and in the context of private practice and sport. Teacher and Researcher at the Faculty of Human Motricity of the University of Lisbon. He collaborates with various schools/faculties of Physiotherapy at a national and international level. Doctoral and Master's student advisor and reviewer of national and international journals.

Raul Oliveira


Cédula n.º: 349

Physiotherapist since 2007 by Escola Superior de Saúde Vale do Ave. Specialist in the scientific area of Therapy and Rehabilitation - Physiotherapy under the Decreto-Lei n.º 206/2009, de 31 de Agosto. Master in Physiotherapy (Neurological Rehabilitation by ESSA/ UCP) and Doctoral student in Physiotherapy at FADEUP.
Enthusiast for the Neurosciences and Neurological Rehabilitation, she teaches in the Physiotherapy Department of Escola Superior de Saúde Vale do Ave and practices clinical practice in a private context, exclusively in the area of neurofunctional physiotherapy.

Marta Freitas


Cédula n.º: 106

Physiotherapist since 1996. Degree in Physiotherapy by Escola Superior de Saúde - Politécnico do Porto. Master's and Doctorate from the University of Porto.

Physiotherapist at the Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João. Adjunct Professor at Escola Superior Fernando Pessoa and Coordinator of the Masters in Maternal and Child Physiotherapy.

Areas of specialisation in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy and Respiratory Physiotherapy. Research in Urogynecological Dysfunctions, Respiratory Dysfunctions, Exercise and Biomechanics.

Rui Antunes Viana


Cédula n.º: 1956

Physiotherapy Degree, ESSAlcoitão (2003-2007) . Master in Physiotherapy, specialization branch in Musculoskeletal, ESS-IPSetúbal and Nova Medical School (2009-2012) . Post-graduate studies in Health Management, NOVA School of Business and Economics (2021-2022) . Founder and Clinical Director - Clínica Neurodor (2015-present) . Professor of Higher Education (Postgraduate and Master's degrees in
Physiotherapy) and Health Consultant (2007-present)

Tiago Freitas


Cédula n.º: 1527

Degree in Physiotherapy from ESTSCoimbra in 2002 Exclusive clinical practice in the area of temporomandibular dysfunction, orofacial pain and obstructive sleep apnoea Trainer in the area of temporomandibular dysfunction President of the General Assembly and founding member of the Portuguese Society for Temporomandibular Dysfunction, Orofacial Pain and Sleep

Tiago Oliveira


Cédula n.º: 865

I have been a Physiotherapist for 18 years. I work at the Centro Hospitalar de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro - Vila Real. I have a Master's Degree in Physiotherapy, PhD in Sport Science, Specialist Title in Physiotherapy, Postgraduate Degree in Human Resources Management, Postgraduate Degree in Administration and Management of Health Care Units and I am still attending Postgraduate Degree in Innovation, Quality Management and Auditing in Health.
I collaborate, as a Higher Education teacher, with the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, the Jean Piaget Institute Viseu and with the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.

Telma Filipa Pires


Cédula n.º: 2847

Respiratory Physiotherapist and Intensivist at Hospital Egas Moniz - CHLO

Visiting Assistant Professor at the Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão, ESS of Porto Polytechnic, CESPU, ESS of Aveiro University, ESS of Leiria Polytechnic, ESTeS Coimbra

Trainer and Lecturer in Respiratory Physiotherapy, Physiology, Mechanical Ventilation, Echography for Physiotherapists, Exercise in Clinical Contexts and Early Mobilisation

Vitor Hugo Azevedo


Cédula n.º: 2358

- Degree in Physiotherapy from Escola Superior de Saúde da Universidade de Aveiro (ESSUA) (2016-2020), with training in Clinical Pilates (2020);

- Alternate for the Communication area of the Interest Group - Young Movement in Physiotherapy (GIMJF) (2019-2021).

- Physiotherapist in private context, with emphasis on sports and musculoskeletal areas, at Crossfit Special Force and Dance Soul Academy (2021-present);

- Physiotherapist at the Portuguese Skating Federation (FPP), in the modalities of speed skating, figure skating and roller hockey (2021-present);

- President of the Board, and Founding Member, of the National Association of Young People in Physiotherapy (ANJF) (2021-2022);

- President of the Fiscal Council of the ANJF (2022-present);

- Physiotherapist at ALAVARIUM - Andebol Clube de Aveiro (2022-2023).

Teresa Miguel


Cédula n.º: 2224

Physiotherapist by ESSA since 2001

PhD from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto since 2010

Respiratory Pathophysiology and Ventilatory Support Unit - Pulmonology Service; Emergency and Intensive Care Unit

University Hospital Centre of S. João. Porto.

Coordinator of the Prolonged Home Mechanical Ventilation Programme of the CHUSJ.

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.

Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Ventilatory Support in the Adult Critically Ill Patient of FMUP

Coordinator of the Núcleo de Fisioterapeutas Respiratórias da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia.

Editorial Board Member and Invited Reviewer of several international indexed journals.

Author and co-author of several book chapters, 1 Book/Compendium and several dozen scientific articles published in international indexed scientific journals.

Moderator and invited speaker at about 450 conferences in scientific congresses and theoretical-practical courses in 36 countries.

Miguel Gonçalves


Cédula n.º: 4367

Degree in Physiotherapy from ESTeSC, Master's degree in Human Engineering from the University of Minho and doctoral student in Physiotherapy at the Sports Faculty of the University of Porto. Técnica Superior Saúde Hygiene and Safety at work. Adjunct Professor and coordinator of Clinical Teaching on the physiotherapy course at the Instituto Piaget Viseu. Founder and Managing Partner of Planycorpo, Fisioterapia Lda. Coordinator of the ergonomics department at Planycorpo. Physiotherapist at the Centro Hospitalar Tondela Viseu from 1999 to 2012 in the cardiorespiratory area.

Sandra Gagulic


Cédula n.º: 4038

Physiotherapist, Master in Physiotherapy in musculoskeletal conditions and PhD in public health (epidemiology). Professor at the Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão and Escola Superior de Saúde do I.P.Setúbal. Member of the Comprehensive Health Research Center; has developed research in the area of Osteoarthritis and care models, with several articles published in indexed journals. Clinical experience in hospital context and private practice.

Daniela Costa


Cédula n.º: 2928

Physiotherapist since 2004, with professional experience in clinical context, ERPI, RNCCI and private practice. Graduated from ESS de Setúbal, Master in high performance training by FMH. Currently teaching at ESALD and working as a physiotherapist in RNCCI.

Vanessa Alpalhão


Cédula n.º: 1705

Physiotherapy Degree, ESSAlcoitão (1994-1997) . Physiotherapy Degree, ESSAlcoitão (2003-2005) . Master in Physiotherapy, specialization area in Musculoskeletal, ESS-IPSetúbal in association with the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the National School of Public Health of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2015-2019) . Physiotherapist and Manager of a network of Physiotherapy Private Units - Physioclem (2002-present)

Marco Clemente


Cédula n.º: 1165

Physiotherapy Course (ESSA 1991); Degree in Physiotherapy (ESS IPSetúbal 2009); Physiotherapist Sub-Coordinator of the HDESPD EPER (since 2011); Member of the Regional Health Council of the Azores (2017-2019); President of the Installing Committee of the Azores Region of APFISIO (2018-2022); Member of the Board of the Union of Portuguese Physiotherapists (2019-2021); President of the Organising Committee of the 1st Atlantic Congress of Physiotherapy (2018).

Francisco Medeiros


Cédula n.º: 3119

Physiotherapist since 1989 with a degree in Physiotherapy from ESTES Coimbra since 1999.
He worked at the Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation Centre of Coimbra between 1989 and 1999. From 1999 to the present day he works at CSP - Centro de Saúde de Viseu 3, where, besides his functions as a physiotherapist, he was coordinator of URAP Dão Lafões, currently working as coordinator of physiotherapists of ACES Dão Lafões.
He collaborates as a trainer in the Physiotherapy graduation courses of ESTES Coimbra and of the University of Aveiro.
He collaborated in working groups in the Ministry of Health in the scope of Physiotherapy in the PHC and in the scope of the PHC reform.

Paulo Jorge Pereira


Cédula n.º: 242

Physiotherapist graduated since 2018, doing Master in Physiotherapy in Musculoskeletal Conditions by Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. Clinical practice in private context within the Musculoskeletal and Oncological Conditions.

Catarina Lourenço


Cédula n.º: 2842

PhD in Physiotherapy by FADE-UP (2019), Master in Geriatrics and Gerontology by UA (2008) and degree in Physiotherapy by ESTeSCoimbra (2002). Between 1986 and 2022 she was a hospital specialist physiotherapist. Since 09/2022 she is an Adjunct Professor at ESSNorteCVP, coordinator of the Physiotherapy Degree Course. Research in aquatic and geriatric physiotherapy aimed at promoting physical and mental health, as well as preventing falls in the elderly.

Maria da Conceição Graça


Cédula n.º: 1268

Physiotherapist with a bi-technical degree since 1992 (bachelor), Postgraduate in Neurodevelopment (TND-BOBATH), PG in Hydrotherapy, PG in Adapted Sports; I have worked as a physiotherapist in a hospital context, at the current ULS Tâmega e Sousa since 1995, working predominantly in the area of Paediatrics, both in outpatient and inpatient settings;
I also work with the adult population in outpatient and inpatient settings, including the Multipurpose and Intermediate Intensive Care Unit;
I'm part of the Neurodevelopment consultation with the neurodevelopment paediatrician at this institution;
I accompany the Paralympic mission at the Paralympic and European Games, whenever requested by the CPP.

Carla Maria Alves Pinheiro Vieira


Cédula no.: 236

Physiotherapist, Alcoitão Rehabilitation School, 17 October 1983;
Graduated in Physiotherapy from the Escola Superior de Alcoitão on 9th August 2004.
Master in Public Management, University of the Azores, 27 November 2009
She began working at the Ponta Delgada Hospital on 12 December 1983 as the first physiotherapist and has remained active to this day.
She was Coordinator from 6 January 1993 until January 2010.

Maria da Conceição Barreiro Gomes Morgado


Cédula no.: 1112

Degree in Physiotherapy from ESSUA (2009), Postgraduate Diploma in Management and Direction of Health Services from Porto Business School (2016), Master's Degree in Physiotherapy from ESSUA (2019) and completion of the curricular year of the Doctoral Programme in Rehabilitation Sciences at DCM and ESSUA. Manager, co-founder and physiotherapist at Espaço P, Lda, with a clinical practice specialising in musculoskeletal, pain and exercise. Guest lecturer at ESSUA and CESPU, business mentor at Blue Physio Consultoria and trainer in various contexts.

Emanuel Tiago Santos Heleno


Cédula no.: 397

She has a degree in Physiotherapy from the Escola Superior de Saúde Atlântica.

Completed the Executive Master in Health Services Management at INDEG - ISCTE

Executive Education, in 2018, receiving the Best Student Award. In 2020, he completed his Master's Degree in Business Management at the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE).

He began his professional activity in private practice. He founded and is now CEO of Clínica Fisiotorres, Espaço Saúde Física Torres Vedras, Espaço Saúde Física Silveira and the personalised training studio EFIT, leading more than 130 employees in Torres Vedras.

He received the Professional of the Year Award from the Torres Vedras Physical Education and Sports Association.

He organised the 1st Congress on Management and Entrepreneurship for Physiotherapists and was a member of the organising committee for the 11th National Congress of Physiotherapists.

Ana Gonçalves has been consulting and mentoring healthcare professionals who want to create or have their own business since 2019. She is the author of the "Olho prá coisa!" podcast and the creator and trainer of the Clinicas de Sucesso course.

Ana Gonçalves


Cédula no.: 1827

Pedro Maciel Barbosa

Specialist physiotherapist at the Matosinhos Local Health Unit Sub-coordinator for Primary Health Care, Matosinhos Local Health Unit Visiting Assistant Professor at the Porto School of Health Member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Health - SNS Member of the General Council of the Order of Physiotherapists

Carlos Sand

Carlos Areia has been a physiotherapist since 2013, and has worked in various hospitals, clinics and clubs in both Portugal and the UK. He began his academic career at Oxford University in 2016, where he led a clinical trial comparing physiotherapy vs surgery in anterior cruciate injuries in 32 hospitals in England. In 2018 she moved to the neurosciences department, where she developed her own studies on remote monitoring of vital signs, which were implemented during the pandemic. Here he discovered his passion for data, and in 2022, he joined Digital Science as a Data Scientist. He completed his PhD earlier this year, and has more than 60 publications in journals such as The Lancet, BMJ, Cochrane, among others. He is also an honorary lecturer at Oxford Brookes University and a consultant in clinical research.

Eduardo José Brazete Carvalho Cruz

PhD in Physiotherapy from the University of Brighton, UK. Post-Doctorate in Epidemiology from the National School of Public Health at the New University of Lisbon.
Coordinator of the Studies and Planning Office of the Order of Physiotherapists. Coordinating Professor of the Physiotherapy Department of the School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (ESS-IPS). President of the ESS-IPS Technical-Scientific Council. Coordinator of the Physiotherapy Department at ESS-IPS. Integrated Researcher at the Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC) (a partnership between FCM-UNL, the National School of Public Health, the University of Évora, the Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health and Santo Espírito Hospital, Terceira Island, Azores).

Sara Souto Miranda

Sara Souto Miranda has a bachelor's and master's degree in physiotherapy from the University of Aveiro, and a postgraduate qualification in adult respiratory physiotherapy from the same institution. In 2023 she completed her double doctorate in Rehabilitation Sciences/Health, Medicine and Life Sciences at the Universities of Aveiro and Maastricht (Netherlands) and is currently working as a technical-scientific advisor to the Studies and Planning Office (GEP) of the Order of Physiotherapists, and as a guest lecturer at the Piaget Institute in Vila Nova de Gaia. As a member of the Respiratory Research and Rehabilitation Laboratory at the University of Aveiro (Lab3R), she has carried out applied research in which she has assessed and treated patients with respiratory pathology, having taken part in 6 research projects. Throughout her career she has published 19 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals with an impact factor, 1 book chapter and more than 50 abstracts in conference proceedings. She was a research volunteer at the Ciro rehabilitation centre (Centre for expertise in chronic organ failure) in the Netherlands, and is currently a member of the Guideline Methodology Network of European Respiratory Society. She was honoured by European Lung Foundation e European Respiratory Society for carrying out patient-centred research, by the Directorate General for Higher Education with a merit grant for his master's degree, and by the Ciro Centre with a grant to support research abroad.

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